Bach for good with the Church of Christ the Cornerstone in Milton Keynes

Bach’s Mass in B minor will air at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone this Sunday (May 7).

The piece, arguably the greatest of the Christian musical monuments, is the Cornerstone's choice for its Easter season concert.

That the composer completed the work apparently without any hope of hearing it performed clearly illustrates the incredible striving for wholeness, fullness and perfection that amazes us in Bach’s music.

The Mass draws on a wide variety of forms ad techniques, some of them belonging to an earlier era, others looking forward to the next. he ‘Et Resurrexit’ bursts forth with Easter joy, the ‘Sanctus’ transports us to Heaven itself.

The cumulative effect of the whole is magnificent.

Tickets are £16 (conc £15.50), £13.50 (conc £13), children £1.

Get yours by calling 01908 246486, 07961 348697 or on the door.