The Musical Milestones series takes a closer look at the Contemporary Masters this week

Join Adrian Boynton, MKs classical ace, for a celebration of two Hungarians and two Americans, as the Musical Milestones event marks the 10th anniversary of Ligeti’s death, the 90th birthday of George Kurtag and the 80th birthdays of Steve Reich and Philip Glass.

Ligeti made skilful use of polyrhythm and micro-polyphony to forge a new compositional technique.

Kurt makes great play with ‘space’ in many of his works. His musical language has a rare expressive intensity, crossing the borders between spontaneity and reflection.

Reich and Glass are the great minimalists, creating phrase patterns marked by the use of repetition, slow harmonic rhythm and canons.

Collectively, the four are among a handful of contemporary composers who can legitimately claim to have altered the direction of musical history.  Find out more about these contemporary masters on Monday evening (December 5), from 7.30pm.

Admission to the event at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone is £5 (falling to £1 for students), payable at the door.