A new exhibition being housed at Westbury Arts Centre from Saturday (April 16) features a selection of paintings from a man with a particularly steady hand – Robin Souter has spent the past three decades working as a surgeon by day.
He was actually one of the first consultants signed up to Milton Keynes Hospital when it opened its doors to patients, and only retired earlier this year.
But even when busy with his professional job, Robin took a keen interest in painting, and the plan moving forward is to get busy working the oil, creating sea and landscapes.
The show, Of Sky, Land and Sea will be open to view until May 8th and also includes work by Joe Little.
To view, visit between 10am and 5pm weekdays, or weekends by appointment: www.westburyartscentre.co.uk
Meantime you can check in with the artists at their respective websites www.robinsouter.co.uk and www.joelittleartist.wix.com/home