Vlogger and podcast ace Anna Newton is coming to Milton Keynes

Great news for followers of super-successful blogging lady, Anna Newton - she is coming to Milton Keynes.

Anna has been blogging and running her corresponding YouTube channel ‘The Anna Edit’ for more than eight years and when we say she successful, we aren't fibbing - her blog is ranked as the fifth biggest in the world in the lifestyle category on Bloglovin'.

Anna been featured in Grazia, Stylist, The Guardian and named as one of Instyle’s ’40 Must-Read Beauty Blogs’.

Her viewers tune in for her weekly videos on everything from house renovations to the best summer foundation.

On January 17, Anna will be at Waterstone's, at intu Milton Keynes, to discuss her brand new book, An Edited Life, with Nicole Barbosa.

After the discussion, Anna will answer your questions and sign copies of the page-turner.

Anna loves being organised. She's Marie Kondo'd her house, nearly throwing away her TV remote in the process.

She's waved goodbye to her things with Fumio Sasaki. She's minimized and bullet-journalled her schedules down to the finest detail. Along the way, she's realised something key: there's no one prescription for an organized life, a tidy home and calm mind.

Instead, it's all about editing.

Anna can teach you how to edit your home, calendar, exercise regime, social life, me-time, wardrobe, household budget, digital detox, beauty routine and office space. It's about how to utilise your time and spend more of it doing what makes you happy...

Don't know about you guys, but we definitely want to get more involved with this editing stuff, and Anna has it down to a fine art.  

Tickets are only £3.30 for the event, which promises to be a great night out.  To book yours click here 


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