Maya Youssef to play The Stables in Milton Keynes this week

“The act of playing music is the opposite of death, it’s a life and hope affirming act.

"To me, music is my own healer and an antidote to what’s happening, not only in Syria, but in the whole world. I like to think that my music brings people back to humanity and to their heart centres, where no harm can be done to any form of life and where all can exist together in peace.”

Maya Youssef is a virtuoso of the qanun, a traditional Syrian 78-stringed plucked zither.

Her extraordinary musical gift and generosity of outlook, warmth, humour and optimism have brought comparisons with such legendary virtuosos as Ravi Shankar, Yehudi Menuhin and Meredith Monk.

Introduced at an early age by her progressive and intellectual family of writers and artists to a huge range of music from Arabic classical, jazz, fusion and world music to Tibetan monks and Western classical, Maya grew up in her native Syria determined to become a musician. She started studying music aged 7 and she initially reluctantly learned the violin.

One day, on her way to the music institute, the taxi driver was playing a recording of an enchanting instrument that changed her life. It was the qanun. She asked the taxi driver which instrument they were listening to and told him she was determined to learn it.

His reply shocked her but also kindled a flame: he told her girls did not play the kanun; it was a man’s instrument played by men. He laughed at her when she told him she would learn to play it. That same day the head of the institute announced that qanun classes was open for enrolment...

After studying the qanun at the High Institute of Music and Dramatic arts in Damascus, and spending some years teaching and performing in Dubai and Oman, Maya moved to London as part of Arts Council England’s Exceptional Talent scheme.

Maya has since performed at major UK festivals and venues including Celtic Connections, BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall, Bath Festival and Celebrating Sanctuary at the Southbank.  This Thursday (September 13) she will play at The Stables in Wavendon. 

Music from her debut album Syrian Dreams is sure to feature.

To book tickets click here

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