In the last of our seasonal specials, band about town All Tied Up share their Crimbo plans with us...
Tell us how you'll spend the big day
Surrounded by the ones we love and care about.. maybe the girlfriends and wives too.. depends on whether they've been naughty or nice... we prefer naughty ;)
Mince pies or Christmas pudding - which one, and why?
Hmmm... really more 'cheesecake' kind of guys.. Christmas pudding.. purely for the brandy!
Talk us through your 2014
Where on earth did it go!?
The biggest highlights were supporting 4ft Fingers and Whitmore at the Craufurd arms, amazing bands.. great guys.. massive hangover!
Another big highlight for us was our debut main stage show at Properstock. That festival is so much fun!
We were also really proud to represent Milton Keynes in the 'Rock The House Of Commons' competition - unfortunately we didn't make it all the way to the end, but were honoured to be selected.
Milton Keynes has a LOT of talent!

And your hopes for 2015
GLOBAL DOMINATION! But we would settle for getting out on a few more tours, making new fans and friends and selling shedloads of our new E.P which is being released on January 19
Any new year resolutions planned?
The usual cliché 'quit smoking' - 'drink less' - 'hit the gym more' blah blah blah! - life's too short for resolutions.. we're just going to enjoy ourselves and have fun!.. wait... is that a resolution in disguise!?
Follow @alltiedupband