Remember Republica? Sure you do, with fire-some front-lady Saffron the band enjoyed chart success with Ready to Go and Drop Dead Gorgeous.
That latter track is 17 years old this week, as the band themselves celebrated on Facebook, "and still being played everywhere!!!!" they declared.
In these days of disposable pop tunes so flash in the pan they are almost forgotten before the track is over, Republica certainly should celebrate their ability at writing a hooky-hit that is still making a suitable noise.
Republica have shifted more than three million records, and that aforementioned track Ready to Go has appeared on an incredible number of films and adverts - more than 300 in all.
Wes Craven picked Drop Dead Gorgeous as the anthem for the massive movie Scream, and invited Republica to perform at the Hollywood premiere.
But now back with a vengeance, Republica will be wanting to make new friends, and influence even more people.
They are certainly off to a good start: The band released their most recent EP, Christana, in 2013 to plenty of acclaim and plans are afoot for a new album later this year.
Fresh from a 20th anniversary tour with Space, Republica will be live at The Craufurd Arms on Sunday, May 4. Doors at 7.30pm.
To book tickets visit www.thecraufurdarms.com