‘The Syndicate’ promises to be a jackpot of a production at Milton Keynes Theatre

New play The Syndicate will bring a popular BBC drama to life at Milton Keynes Theatre next week, writes Georgina Butler.

The comedy-drama offering is based on the first series of the television show, which was written by the late Kay Mellor and entertained millions of viewers over four series.

The Syndicate tells the story of five supermarket workers whose lottery syndicate numbers come in, just as their jobs come under threat. Will a share of the jackpot make their dreams come true or their nightmares a reality?

The only certainty is that this win of a lifetime will change things forever. Winning is just the beginning… 

Kay Mellor wrote with heart, humanity and humour and is widely regarded as one of Britain’s most successful screenwriters and directors. The first series of The Syndicate was broadcast on the BBC in 2012 and starred Timothy Spall, Joanna Page and Matthew Lewis. The fourth, and final, series aired in 2021.

BAFTA winner Mellor finished writing this television-to-stage adaptation just before her untimely passing in 2022. It follows her stage adaptations of Fat Friends and Band of Gold.

The Syndicate marks the solo directorial debut of Mellor’s daughter, Gaynor Faye, who will also be performing as a member of the cast. Faye acted in the final series of the television drama and collaborated with her mother on multiple writing and directing projects. She has had roles in ITV soaps Coronation Street and Emmerdale, as well as in numerous touring theatre productions, including Calendar Girls and Band of Gold.

And the family affair continues as Faye’s son, Oliver Anthony, will be making his stage acting debut in the show. 

The Syndicate is at Milton Keynes Theatre from Tuesday 28 May to Saturday 1 June.

Georgina Butler is an editor, a dance writer and a ballet teacher. Visit https://georginabutler.co.uk and follow her on Twitter @GeorginaLButler and Instagram @glbdancewriter