Councillor questions Milton Keynes Conservative’s silence on “send them back” tweet

Bletchley East Labour Councillor Mohammed Khan has called on the Conservative Party to condemn a tweet from a leading local Conservative councillor who called for migrants to be “sent back,” and claimed it was time to “stop the invasion of migrants.”

Yesterday Conservative Cllr Terry Baines posted a reply on MK North Member of Parliament Ben Everitt’s Facebook page that said: “Thank you Ben. It is time to stop the invasion of migrants and time to send a lot back.”

Cllr Baines has apologised and referred himself to a council standards panel, but Cllr Khan believes that MK Conservatives should be doing more to condemn the tweet and its contents.

He has called for the MK Conservatives to remove Cllr Baines on MK Council and for him to resign as the Armed Forces Champion.

He has also said that the failure of Ben Everitt MP and the MK Conservatives to make any statement on the matter condemning the tweet is concerning and that it highlights they do not take the matter seriously.

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Cllr Khan said: “It is only right that Cllr Baines has apologised, but I cannot see how saying “send a lot of them back,” in relation to migrants can be seen as anything other than awful. Terry has apologised for saying it, not that he doesn’t believe it.

"It is very hurtful to me and everyone I have spoken to in my community. Cllr Baines should resign now as Armed Forces Champion. It is wrong and makes me uneasy that he represents the city in any way with these views. He should probably be reflecting on if he should remain a councillor at all.”

“It hurts me personally. I am proud of my family history and that as a small businessman with a migrant background I have created jobs and wealth in our local community.

"Our NHS, care system and so many other important jobs are only being done because of migrants. Cllr Baines calling it an “invasion” is grossly offensive, but saying people should be “sent back,” is utterly disgusting and there should be no place for anyone who says and thinks that in a mainstream political party.”