Flyers urging public to 'say no to the muzzle' appear in Milton Keynes

A series of flyers have appeared in Central Milton Keynes urging the public to 'come together, stand up and fight for your rights and freedom,' and reject measures bought in to combat the pandemic.

Another in the series of posters invites people to 'say no to mandatory vaccinations,' 'say no to the muzzle,' 'say no to lockdown,' 'say no to being separated by law,' and 'say yes to freedom, joy, love, communication.'

'Protect your rights and protect your freedom before it's too late. The facemasks are not here to protect you.'

It is not clear who is responsible for the posters, which have appeared in the same week that the Government announced that anyone failing to wear a mask in designated areas will be fined £200.


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