‘Make No Little Plans: The City Builders’ - How Milton Keynes became a reality

A documentary explaining the early years of Milton Keynes is now available to buy on DVD.

Today, the new city is a thriving, multi-cultural city, and home to almost a quarter of a million people.

But just half a century ago, it was an area largely occupied by farmers' fields where crops were grown and cattle gazed.

‘Make No Little Plans: The City Builders,' which first aired as part of the MK51 Birthday open weekend, explains the colossal change.

The film shows how an agricultural area in North Bucks was transformed into the largest and most ambitious of Britain’s new towns – and why it happened. The story is told by key members of the Development Corporation who were tasked with the planning and development of the area.

The Living Archive film has been described as ‘a story of audacity and brashness, of teamwork and tussles, of utopian dreams and a bold vision.’

"This is a film for those who want to know about the early stage of our hometown, which combines local history with personal anecdotes," says a Living Archive spokesman, "Watch the stories of these passionate and ambitious city builders, who dedicated their lives to building a unique city from empty farmland and daring dreams."

Milton Keynes was created with blood, sweat, tears and innovation – and this DVD shows it all. Copies can be ordered by clicking here 


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