Want to improve your wellbeing? HoMedics brand visits Milton Keynes tomorrow

Leading massage and wellness brand HoMedics will be at intu Milton Keynes this weekend showcasing their great Gel Massage range.

In short, this is being called the next generation of wellbeing technology.

With a soft-but-firm ‘real feel’  the gel material mimics the touch, sensation and accuracy of the human hand without causing discomfort sometimes associated with harder massage tools.

Prioritise your wellbeing and bring relaxation out of the salon, and enjoy it anytime you feel the need!

HoMedics latest innovation, HoMedics Gel Massage, introduces the next generation of wellbeing technology.

Soft yet firm, that’s how a real massage should feel.


Homedics have captured this real palm-like feel in their super soft gel technology.

The gel nodes rotate, knead and roll over tight muscles to release tension and help you unwind.

Set into the brands' revolutionary massage mechanism, this is relaxation that keeps on giving. 

Visit intu tomorrow and try for yourselves. 

Perfect for Christmas!

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