In Review: Carabosse's Real Ale and Drama Shots 5 receives further acclaim in Milton Keynes

Reviews are heaping praise on the current production by Milton Keynes' Carrabosse collective, but there is still time to take in a show if you are quick off the mark - the curtain falls tomorrow

'Refreshingly different, with real depth, dark, bitter, sweet with a twist and thought provoking yet surprisingly engaging ensuring you want more and more …..and that’s just the real ale!

'As for the portrayed Shorts, equally invigorating and how can’t they be when you have the talent of the legend that is Tony Ffitch, the versatility of Debbie Leonard and sheer frightening persona of Zara Ronghi plus many more well worthy of a mention.

'Set in a sweet room where the ambience literally drips off the walls, fronted by the superb Billy Nomad and completed with a ‘Carabosse gospel’ version of Stairway to Heaven, this is an evening to experience.'

Review by Scribbo

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