Mikron Theatre gives our NHS a thorough check-up in Milton Keynes

Mikron's new show Get Well Soon wishes the NHS a Happy 70th Birthday… and many more to come?

 Mikron Theatre Company's Get Well Soon is being shown at Lionhearts Cruising Club, Nicholas Mead, Great Linford on Sunday (June 24) as the company arrive in Milton Keynes in their 47th year of touring.

Always firm favourites Lionhearts Cruising Club, Mikron delight audiences nationwide with their fun and fresh shows.

All is not well at St. Monica's Hospital. They're on life support; facing bugs, bed-blockers and a battle to save A and E.

Hospital boss Simon talks the talk but can he walk the walk? His dad's had a stroke and his daughter's in revolt. Now hungry businesses, with an eye on profits, are after a slice of the action…

Seventy years ago, Nye Bevan gave us free healthcare for all. Can his dream survive the demands and pressures of the 21st century? Can Simon find a cure for his family troubles? Can Nurse Danuta save the day with her pastries and proverbs. 

With tunes, transfusions and titters, join Mikron as they make a surgical strike on the state of our NHS.

Playwright Ged Cooper is writing for Mikron for the first time and has had a great time getting her teeth into Get Well Soon, "I love Mikron's theatrical style; lively and accessible, with a social conscience. You laugh a lot at a Mikron play, but then you go away and think, so I was thrilled when they asked me to write about the NHS on its 70th birthday.

"I had so many ideas whirling round my head; I feel so strongly about the NHS, a uniquely British achievement, that to research and write about it was an honour and privilege - and great fun!"

No tickets are required - just turn up, and a cash collection will take place post-performance - which starts at 3pm.


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