Putting A Brave Face on it in Milton Keynes

Afghanistan 2009 and Ryan is there to see the world, learn a trade and get a life. Training’s complete and life is a buzz…

A Brave Face, coming to Stantonbury Theatre on Friday (May 11), covers the unseen and often unrecognised war injury, Post Traumatic Stress, and explores the impact it can have on even the closest of families.

On one particular hot and desperate tour of duty, Ryan, sees things he can’t talk about – not to anyone. And when he returns home, the trouble really begins.

With compassion and fearlessness, Vamos brings its trademark, wordless full mask style, to a story that needs to be told.

The company have been praised by press and public alike for its consummate full mask skills, engaging storytelling, physical dexterity and emotional insight. They continue to involve and engage audiences across borders and boundaries, taking on challenging themes with poignancy, humour and humanity.

This production is presented by Vamos Theatre, in a co-production with Mercury Theatre, Colchester and a Co-Commission with London International Mime Festival.

Suitable for ages 12 plus, and accessible to both hearing and deaf audience.
To book tickets for A Brave Face click here


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