Explore Your Archive at the Milton Keynes Central Library

On now at the Discover Milton Keynes space in MK’s Central Library, Explore Your Archive is a campaign that showcases the best of archives and archive services in the UK and Ireland.

It celebrates the unique potential of archives to excite people, bring communities together and tell amazing stories.

This exhibition showcases some of the archive collections held by members of Milton Keynes Heritage Association.

It features exhibits from The Open University, Cowper and Newton Museum, Living Archive MK and MK City Discovery Centre.

Explore Your Archive runs until 20 January 2019. If you're in CMK pop in and visit!

The exhibition runs until January 20, 2019 and is open during library opening hours (check the website for details here)

To find out how Living Archive MK preserves memories, images and documents about our area in days gone by visit their website here

And while you’re at it have a browse of our online shop for our books, films and CDs that tell the stories of Milton Keynes and the lives of the people who live here http://www.livingarchive.org.uk/content/category/online-shop

Image copyright: Living Archive MK


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