Sometimes, pictures can speak more than words – and Milton Keynes based photographer David Tunnicliffe has a whole host of amazing pictures that do just that.
From Monday (May 5) they will be available to view in the ArtSpace & Gallery at Inter-Action, Peartree Bridge.
David has spent more than three decades collecting images from all over the world – and he has taught as he has travelled. Ethiopia, Australia, Egypt and the UK are just some of the country's that have benefited from his knowledge.
This show will feature 35 examples from Egypt - click on the gallery below to see larger versions.
[gallery link="file" ids="774,773,771,770,769,768"]
With such a long and prolific career, we imagine deciding on what to show in the exhibition must have been difficult?
“The selection for this exhibition was really hard to achieve,” David admits.
“Without exaggeration I have tens of thousands of images of Egypt amassed over the four and a half years we lived there.
“What I wanted to do was to show a side of Egypt that is seldom seen by the 'tourist,'” he added.
“I hope I have been successful!”
His show, Treasures of an Antique Land will run between Monday, May 5 and Thursday, May 29.
Viewing hours will be 10am to 7pm Monday-Friday and 10am-4pm on Saturday.
Sunday viewing is available by appointment.
For more information call 01908 678514 or visit www.interactionmk.org.uk