Can you help Milton Keynes Scout group?

Did you know that the 1st Wolverton Scout group is one of the oldest in the country?

It's a great fact, but not so cheery is the news that the group needs a cash injection to pay for a new roof for their hall, which is 84 years old and in need of some TLC.

The scouts have been quoted £30,000 for the job, and so the fundraising is go!

"The hall is pivotol to the local community," said Katrina Witham who has set up a GoFundMe page to help swell the coffers.

"I recently joined the committee as my autistic son was a cub and is now a scout with the group. We aim to create the most amazing experiences for the children which will carry them through to adult life.

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"As well as being used for 1st Wolverton, it is where we hold our Beaver, Cubs and Scouts meetings.

If the cash isn't raised, there will be no choice but to close the hall, which would be devastating for the community - other groups and charities often use the space for meetings too.

No donation is too small.  If you can spare some pennies or pounds, click