An Evening of Burlesque sashays into Milton Keynes Theatre on Thursday evening (Oct 16) bringing with it corsets, killer heels and stockings aplenty - and that's just the audience!
"For a spectacle that sparkles from its elaborately-decorate headdresses to its immaculately varnished toes, it might not comes as a complete surprise that audiences are predominantly female," says producer Michael Taylor.
"Also, with a prize for the best-dressed member of the audience, theatre-goers revel in dressing up for the occasion."
The show has played all over from Milan to Zurich, and Padove to Dessau, and the response has been the same everywhere,with audiences wowed.
"Nothing is lost in translation," Michael explains.
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"An Evening of Burelesque's content - sparkling glamour, physical humour and a dynamic score - are appreciated in any language."
Thursday's show will feature all-star performers like Miss ooh La Lou (described as a Police Academy dream babe, who is 'a bit Britney, a bit Goldie Hawn'), and Bettsie Bon Bon, who is trained in hop hop and street dance. And that's not all: 'She's sauce, tease, glamour and naughtiness personified,' say those who know.
It's an Over 18s show, but it's seductive not distasteful, titillating, not tacky.
"It's all tease, no sleaze," Michael promises, "The show combines musical and theatrical parody, cutting-edge variety, magic, comedy and dance with the art of striptease."
From evocative Arabian nights, to foxy 40s WAF sirens and cheesecake pin-ups, the theme-ridden show will certainly keep you hooked!
Book your seat for the saucy night out by calling 0844 871 7652 or visit www.atgtickets.com/miltonkeynes