Caught in the act! Pepper the 2016 Social Robot takes on the Turing challenge

The artificial agent in this cracking picture is Pepper the 2016 Social Robot, caught  at the National Museum of Computing in Bletchley  as he attempted the Turing Test on a 1940’s teleprinter! 

The test was famously designed by Alan Turing to see if a computer could pass itself off as a human when responding to questions. 

There are still plenty of things to get stuck into over at the National Museum of Computing this summer holiday. 
Here are a few of our favourites that are coming up:

Saturday 13 to Wednesday 17 August
Retro Games Very Long Weekend – come and try old favourites and watch your kids have fun with vintage games.
Thursday 18 August
A visit from the driverless pod
Saturday 20 August to Monday 22 August
EchoFox bring their own single-engine flight simulator for people to try out

For more information visit