In 2012, Ray Lee was named British Composer of the Year for Sonic Art.
In 2014, he has created a giant sound and light sculpture, which is operating a three sites in CMK this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (July 21-23) .
Chorus, as it has been named, is a series of metal tripods with rotating arms which tower above the audience.
At the end of each arm, a loudspeaker emits pulsating, harmonic sounds while kinetic movement creates the effect of a whirling swarm of fireflies.
The intersecting lights trace rings above the heads of the audience while the chorus of the speakers creates a cohesive harmonious whole that will transfix those in its proximity.
Today is your last chance to view Chorus here in MK - quick, make tracks to The Hub, Milton Keynes - Noon-2pm, 5pm-7pm and 9.30pm-10.30pm
It's free to attend.