Bletchley WMC is the setting for a fundraiser in support of The MS Trust on Friday (Oct 3) night. "I have needed to read up on Multiple Sclerosis recently and was shocked at how little progress has been made in the treatment of this debilitating illness in the last 30 years," said Alan from PrettySound Records. "Right now in the UK there are m ore than 100,000 people suffering with MS and yet only 250 specialist nurses employed in the NHS. "That's an average workload of more than 400 patients per nurse! "The MS Trust is working to help bridge the gap by providing help and advice to sufferers and their families around the UK, and we want to help," he added. Live music is coming from Brummie band Blue Nation, Spacegoat (top) MK talent Manny & The Coloured Sky and busker Craig Hudson (below). Manny Craig A charity raffle will operate and a free buffet is being laid on too. Tickets are a snip at a fiver, and doors open at 6.45pm. Have a great night, soak in some sweet sounds and raise a packet for charity in the process.  It's a win-win.