Strap on your bells in Milton Keynes!

Have you ever wondered what's involved in the art of Morris Dancing?Do you love playing Morris tunes?  Now's your chance to find out more! 

Rapskallian Morris is a bunch of highwaymen and women who have given up their wicked ways and decided to steal dances from a variety of traditions, making them their own.

They have traded their pistols and swords for hankies and sticks and now perform at events in and around Milton Keynes, as well as joining other local sides for pub nights and their summer tours.

Rapskallian Morris is running four taster sessions for potential dancers and musicians on Tuesdays 3 September and 17 September at 2.00 – 3.30pm and Mondays 9 September and 23 September at 7.30 – 9.00pm at New Bradwell Community Centre, Church Street MK13 0DA. Come to as many sessions as you like.

Why not pop along and see for yourself? Dancing takes a level of fitness and commitment and is great fun – you’ll wonder why you didn’t join them sooner! And they would love to have more musicians.

Contact for more information.