Danesborough Chorus bring romance to Woburn Parish Church

The Danesborough Chorus will delight you with some unashamedly romantic moments in Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle at its concert on Saturday (November 9) 7.30 pm, in St Mary's Parish Church in Woburn.

With memorable melodies and harmonic ingenuity, and the solemn beauty promised by the title, there's also plenty of operatic wit and hair-raising drama.

This work, composed in 1863, is Rossini at his very best. "Every kind of music is good, except the boring kind", Rossini once said, and this 'man of the theatre' makes sure his last major composition lacks nothing (except, you may think, some colourful costumes and a scenery-filled stage!)

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The score was originally written for a choir of eight voices, four soloists, two pianos and a harmonium. "We'll be performing this original version of Petite Messe Solennelle, with piano, harmonium and soloists," said Danesborough conductor, Ian Smith, "but with our much larger choir." The Danesborough's regular accompanist, John Witchell (pictured), will feature on piano, with Tim Grant-Jones on harmonium.

Petite Messe Solennelle was first written for a select, invited audience in an elegant Parisian salon, and we hope you will enjoy being part of another select audience!

Come and listen to us - and then perhaps join a rehearsal, as we are always looking for new singers, and there are especially 'spaces for basses' at this time.

Tickets for the concert are £20 & £15 (centre, reserved); £10 (aisles, unreserved); under 18s £5 (all areas).

For phone orders call 01908 583460 or click here for details.