Santa to make a rooftop entrance in Milton Keynes this week

On Friday (November 10) centre:mk will be hosting a Christmas extravaganza, starting in Queens Court from 5pm where Santa will make a magical rooftop entrance.

Partnered with Heart FM, presenters Ivan and Emma will join special guests from this year’s pantomime on stage to welcome Santa and switch on the centre’s lights.

Guests can then watch Santa and friends make their way to the Grotto in the great Christmas parade through Middleton Arcade.

This year the centre will be raising extra money for AGE UK through the sale of some magical Christmas glasses!

Wearers will see reindeers in every light throughout the centre and once home the glasses let children see reindeers in their Christmas tree lights too.
Finally amongst all that excitement we can’t forget to mention the main man, Santa – who will be at his Grotto with new friend Norbert the baby reindeer puppet.

A visit to the Grotto until 24th December is a must-do to get into the Christmas spirit with children.

The interactive experience allows children to make reindeer food before meeting the big manhimself.

Children of all ages love Norbert, making this years’ experience perfect for smaller children and toddlers as well as the older children.

Adults are free with every child and the visit will last approximately 20 minutes.



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