IF:MK: Domino delight in the heart of Milton Keynes

One of IF:MK Fest’s largest events will 'carve' a path in and around the heart of town, using thousands of blocks, and dozens of volunteers to make it happen.

It's a sculpture, based on the mechanics of dominos that will fall into an unbroken line through Milton Keynes.
The blocks won't discriminate either – passing through shopping centres, leisure facilities, residential areas, restaurants, bars and boulevards as it goes.

Follow the line and you'll not only see the Milton Keynes you know, you'l take in areas that you often pass by without noticing.

As was the case on Tuesday afternoon, when Total MK reached dizzy new heights to watch the blocks enjoy a little 'practice run' with a mini-trail from high above – starting from the from the apex of The Point.

It was fantastic to see all eyes on the once magnificent multiplex again, when the sculpture was formed before breaking down and moving through the levels at pace.

The British performance art and theatre company Station House Opera is responsible for bringing this display to IF:MK and founder Julian Maynard Smith is artistic director on the project.  The company say Dominoes has been 'specially designed to respond to the Milton Keynes city-scape,' bringing performances and tricks along the route.

Forty-five metre high breeze blocks were assembled on three tiers of The Point, waiting for Julian to push the first domino...and of course when one falls, they all fall, in quite spectacular succession.

Dominoes is a first for the city, and The Point was a first for Europe. The perfect creative union, don't you think?

On Saturday (July 16), Dominoes will unfold around the city as a stunning two kilometre-long moving sculpture, starting at The Point, meaning that our now forlorn ziggurat is once again where it deserves to be – at the heart of the entertainment.

The performance will begin at 5.30pm, before finishing on Midsummer Boulevard by the Theatre District.

It’s a guaranteed smash hit!