Cameron Diaz in a comedy? Sounds a bit formulaic doesn't it.
Well, I really didn't find this film too formulaic at all. What appears to be your generic girly flick actually turns into a laugh a minute comedy.
Cameron Diaz stars as Carly, a head strong lawyer who knows what she wants in life. She meets Mark, they hit it off and she's ready to commit.
But when she turns up at his house one night, she finds out that he's married.
What ensures next is a buddy comedy pairing up of Diaz with Leslie Manns' Kate (Marks wife) as they plan some revenge and discover more secrets and lies from the man they both loved.
While we're used to seeing Diaz on top comedic form in films, she takes a step back this time playing 'the straight man' letting other characters, especially Kate, take front lead with the jokes. Leslie Mann is on full force as Kate.
She is a mess when first paired up with Carly, but there's something scary about how normal her craziness becomes. Her world, as a wife, has been completely shattered.
And what the film does is ask it's characters, 'what would you do in the situation?' What would you want to do vs what should you do.
Diaz and Mann make a great team, really bouncing off each other with these polarised characters. I'm sure most of the scenes they had together could've been ad-libbed as they look so comfortable in what they're doing.
Kate Upton's Amber rounds off the group with beauty more than brains. She's the kind of character you expect to see in this type of film. Although she doesn't bring much to the story, she really shows how fun it can be to have a neurotic teenage selfie type mixed in with the head strong and crazy wife.
Sure the film drags a little and gets nowhere fast but when you've got quality gags and a shock ending which no one expected (but funny as hell) you can't help but join the ride and enjoy the film for what it is....a genuine popcorn movie.
RATING: 7/10