Bailey McConnell made it through to the semi-finals of Britain's Got Talent, and he has flown the flag for Milton Keynes - well done Bailey!
In-between rehearsing for the show and cultivating a mammoth fan base, 15-year-old singer-songwriter Bailey found time to share his musical likes with Total MK in our popular On Track feature...
The song that first awakened your musical senses
Adele, Someone Like You
Physical or digital - how do you take your music
The first time you thought 'Music - that's the job for me'
When I was going through a hard time - sometimes songs speak better than words
What made you take up the guitar
Listening to Ben Howard play, he is amazing
Which one song by another artist do you wish you'd written
None really, I've only ever wanted to write my own
If you could step into the shoes of another musician, living or dead, who would it be and what would you do?
Ben Howard all the way. His songwriting and playing is unique. I would love to perform on a massive stage singing and playing my own music...Glastonbury one day
Any current musical influences you might look to
Ben Howard...Ed Sheeran...Paolo Nutini...Bastille...Coldplay
Any genre of music that you simply can't stand?
No, I listen to all sorts of music
Tell us how it felt to be so well received at that Britain's Got Talent audition, and how it felt reliving it with your friends and family when it aired
It was overwhelming, seeing and hearing people stand up and clap and cheer for my own song was unexplainable. It felt amazing.
It was surreal watching it on TV, it felt like it was a dream
Social media sites have gone crazy since your appearance - how well are you coping with this sudden fame?
It sounds weird when you say fame, because I am still just Bailey from Milton Keynes...I'm coping well as I have a great team around me.
It is crazy knowing you have 'fans' when you are still just a normal 15 year old.
I appreciate all the support good and bad - I take the bad as constructive criticism and it keeps me grounded and more determined to better myself in what I do.