They gave us one of the best sing-a-longs at the start of the new Millennium, and 14 years on Wheatus are still going strong.
The Brendan B. Brown led troupe are back in Milton Keynes this week, for another visit to The Craufurd Arms.
To say it has been a colourful career so far is to put it mildly; Wheatus have had major label lawsuits, line-up changes, interstate art heist investigations and a certain One Direction have covered their music.
Their first album has clocked up sales in excess of five million, and counting, and yet Wheatus - now on album number six - are unsigned and unmanaged. A round of applause for their tenacity, and music-making, obviously.
To book tickets for Saturday's Wolverton date visit www.thecraufurdarms.com
Brendan took up our On Track challenge...
The song that first awakened your musical senses
The Trees by Rush
Physical or digital - how do you take your music?
Lotsa vinyl
The first time you thought 'Music - this is the job for me'
The first time I saw AC/DC at Madison Square Garden 1988. I was 13...no parents present.
Your best on stage memory...
Opening for Joey Ramone at CBGB's ...the only time Wheatus ever played there.
And the worst gig you've ever done
Thin Lizzy tribute in Dublin...all our gear broke on stage. Nightmare.
Which one song by another artist do you wish you'd have written
Penny Lane, The Beatles...it's perfect.
And one - by yourself - which holds special significance
Valentine, the title track from our last album. It's the only Wheatus song I listen to as a fan. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k7l1jUbxuNw
If you could step into the shoes of another musician, living or dead, who would it be and what would you do?
Willie Nelson...what he does everyday; play as many great live shows as he can.
Are there any current musical influences that you might look to
St. Vincent...Annie Clark is a genius.
And any genre of music that you simply can't stand?
Homophobic Dub
Tell us what we can expect from your return to Milton Keynes..
The Crauford Arms is one if the best sounding, most well managed venue in the UK. Our set is quite a bit heavier this time...very dense with lotsa new material, perhaps one unreleased song...We are gonna play a Rush cover as well. Get ready...