On Sunday, the newly certified Crossroads Hydrotherapy Centre welcomed more than 70 guests to their specially designed facilities for small pets.
Visitors were able to have a look around the brand new facilities and hydrotherapists talked about how the heated pool can benefit animals through its fitness swims by providing physical exercise. Crossroads hydrotherapists also explained how non-weight bearing pool is great for rehabilitation and with underwater cameras they are able to see how the animals are using their limbs.
Owner, Steve Hole, thought carefully about every detail, including how the animals ease into the pool through external and internal ramps – pets even enter and exit the pool area through different doors to avoid any crossover.
Steve Hole, owner of Crossroads Hydrotherapy Centre says: “We are delighted to have finally opened the Hydrotherapy Centre and to have had a great reception from the public. We’ve worked hard to make the environment just right for customers and their animals and are thrilled that they have been just as excited about our opening as us!”
“I’d like to thank everyone that joined us and look forward to welcoming many more guests and their pets,” he added.
The Hydrotherapy Centre offers fitness swims and rehabilitation swims for small animals. Before animals can swim, a consent form must have been filled out by a vet. This is to ensure that everything is known about the animal and they are confident that there are no underlying injuries. The consent form is available for download from www.crossroadshydro.co.uk.
For further information about Crossroads Hydrotherapy centre click here
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