There was a chill in the air, and a medieval vibe to Campbell Park this evening (Sat), when Festive Road took over the green space with some fiery fabulousness.

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The Milton Keynes based arts company punctuated the blackness of the night with splendid fire performances, rhythmic drumming, bagpipes and pyros, and a lantern parade.

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For a video from the event, visit our Facebook pageĀ

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And the families who braved the chill of the wide open space were rewarded by spectacle and drama courtesy of a towering Dark Knight and Gwynhaf the dragon...and watching from the other side was Hilary, MKs own triceratops!

The flames might now be extinguished, but Festive Road's latest extravaganza has left a whiff of the smoky stuff in our hair and on our clothing (not that we're complaining any) and a glow in its wake.