Shake off the shackles of the desk job with one - or more - of these Milton Keynes Ramblers trips out this week…
Saturday, August 13: meet at Rushmere Country Park car park off Linslade Road in Heath and Reach and head out on a six-mile course.
Car parking is two quid, and there will be a cafe stop at the route end. Call 07718 424858.
Sunday, August 14: Meet at 9am at the Caldecotte Arms, Caldecotte Lake for lifts to Dunstable Downs National Trust visitors centre, for a 12 mile walk. Remember refreshments and call 07736 516418.
Wednesday, August 18: Meeting at 6.45pm at Calverton Road car park, Stony Stratford, for a four mile walk. Call 07531 728687.