The North Bucks branch of the RSPB presents special guest speaker Rupert Masefield at its meeting this Thursday (Dec 11) evening.
Rupert has just begun working for the RSPB Eastern England office in the role of communication officer, a position that he had previously held for two and a half years working for BirdLife Malta.
The illegal killing of wild birds in Malta was highlighted earlier this year by naturalist and presenter Chris Packham, who visited the area to view the horrors for himself.
The killing has been happening for years, but BirdLife Malta strives to conserve wild birds and monitors activity that threatens them - including illegal hunting and trapping.
Of his time spent working with BirdLife Malta, Rupert said: "It taught me that there is wildlife worth fighting for everywhere and that everywhere there is wildlife there are people willing to fight for it. That goes for Mid-Suffolk as much as it does for Malta or Mauritius."
Rupert will share his experiences and bring his audience up to date with BirdLife Malta's work.
The talk takes place at The Cruck Barn at Bradwell Abbey at 7.45pm.
Admission is from 7.15pm, at £2.50 for group members, £3.50 for non-members, and £1 for children.

Pic: Rupert with broadcaster and conservationist Bill Oddie