Verdi's Requiem is aired at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone

The Cornerstone Chamber Choir present Verdi's Requiem on Sunday (November 4) at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone.

In 1873, Alessandro Manzoni, one of Verdi’s heroes, died in Milan.
‘Now all is over’, said Verdi, ‘and with him ends the most pure, the most holy, the greatest of our glories’.

This was the catalyst which Verdi needed to complete his remarkable ‘Requiem Mass’, the like of which there had never been - a people’s Requiem, dramatic, emotional and popular.

The Chamber Choir and Orchestra will be joined by four outstanding soloists for this special performance, this special All Saintstide/All Soulstide performance, coinciding with the commemorative of the end of World War 1.

Adrian Boynton will direct.

Tickets are £16.50 (conc £16), £14.50 (conc £14), child £1 available from;; phone 07961 348697, 01908 246486 or 07971 443970.


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