A beautifully crafted pen is the ideal gift and an exhibitor at the next MK Handmade and Vintage fair prides himself on being able to offer everyone a bespoke writing tool.
Andrew Moyle, from Leighton Buzzard, rediscovered a passion for woodturning just a few years ago and now he is channelling his creative energy into making wooden pens.
He said: “My goal with my work is to enhance the beauty of the materials I use by carefully planning and matching each component which makes each creation from Wood You Write With special.
“No two pens are ever crafted alike.
“I strive to offer you a pen that no other individual will have.”
His designs include a variety of ballpoint, rollerball and fountain pens, as well as pencils.
Products can be made to order in a variety of shapes, colours and patterns.
There is always some wood left over after making pens but this is never wasted as Andrew uses the remaining wood to make key rings and light pulls.
He also works with acrylic and there are some vivid colours and textures available to choose from, guaranteeing that your pen will be unique and as fashion-forward as you dictate.
When not working in London on his full time job with the FTSE 100 Company Inmarsat, Andrew is always experimenting with new materials and ideas.
Some of the more unusual materials that he can use to create pens and gifts for customers with include PC circuit boards, carbon fibre, abalone shell, coffee beans, leather and lace.
When he is not labouring away over the lathe in his workshop in the back garden, Andrew and wife Karen attend a variety of craft fairs, fetes and charity events to showcase Wood You Write With’s products.
Wood You Write With will be exhibiting at Milton Keynes Handmade & Vintage Extravaganza in Middleton Hall at The Centre MK on Saturday 7 June, from 9am until 7pm and on Sunday 8 June, from 10am until 5pm.
Visit www.wooduwritewith.co.uk to learn more about Andrew’s designs, or email him at enquiries@wooduwritewith.co.uks