Ocasan have told www.totalmk.co.uk that their current tour has been terrific - not least Friday's hometown show at The Craufurd Arms.
"The hometown show was, as expected, stand out for us," drummer Luke said.
"We've worked so hard on this tour and partied until we've dropped - our manager has been having a seizure!"
And for the band, who actually reside at The Craufurd Arms, it was quite probably the easiest gig to prepare for: "It was such a pleasure to roll out of bed for this show and onto the stage," Luke agreed.
"We had a blinding turn out, sold masses of merchandise and added a bit of Sherlock Holmes style theatrics to the proceedings.
"It was all so relaxed and ironically one of the most energetic shows so far. A big thanks to everyone that came and sang their hearts out..."
Watch the title track from their new EP Whitey Two Step, below:
Ocasan wind up the tour with dates at:
April 21: London Barfly
April 23: Canterbury Cherry Tree
April 26: Owl Sanctuary