The Pierces wowed us when we were introduced via an appearance on Later with Jools a few years back.
Since then, Alabama-born, California-based siblings Allison and Catherine have released their fourth breakthrough album You & I, and will follow that this September with Creation.
Kings, the second single from the record, is out now.
Allison tackled our On Track questions...
Tell us about the song that first awakened your senses
She's Leaving Home by The Beatles. I was at a friend's house when I was about 13 and we were listening to her dad's vinyl.
I had grown up listening to The Beatles and loved them but I hadn't gotten to Sgt. Pepper's yet. The whole record is utterly captivating, of course, but something in the sadness and longing of She's Leaving Home transported me to another land.
It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. It's amazing to me how music can actually change your life. Somehow it can shift your entire perspective on the world. That song did that for me.
Physical or digital - how do you take your music?
I take it any old way you serve it. I'm not really snobby about it. I love the convenience of streaming and I love the feel and ritual of listening to vinyl.
I must admit though, I don't own a single CD, nor do I have anywhere to play one if I did
The first time you thought 'Music - this is the job for me'
I started singing when I was so young that I think I took it for granted that it's what I would always do
Your best on stage memory...
Once we were playing in this giant old theatre in Edinburgh and there was one moment where everything came together in this really beautiful way that I'll never forget.
We were performing the song The Good Samaritan which is just two vocals and an electric guitar, and because of the way the lights were shining in my eyes I literally couldn't see anything.
Not the audience, not the stage, not even my hand in front of my face. And it was one of those moments where you hear the silence between the sounds.
I felt like I was floating through space, I will never forget it
And the worst gig you've ever done
Oh god, there are a few I'd like to completely forget.
Sometimes everything comes together and there is magic, and sometimes things will somehow fall apart. It really sucks when that happens, but it's all a part of it
What made you take up the guitar
I started singing when I was about five because my dad taught me. I started playing guitar at 18 because I wanted to write songs and start a band
Which one song by another artist do you wish you'd have written
There are so many I wish I had written it's hard to narrow it down. The most recent one I'm jealous of is Take Me To Church by Hozier. Genius lyrics
And one - by yourself - which holds special significance
Monsters on the new record holds special significance for me, It is a reminder that everything is going to be okay. Even when things look really bad and you think you won't make it out alive, it all works out in the end.
I think one of the keys to life is remembering this, that everything is going to be okay
If you could step into the shoes of another musician, living or dead, who would it be
Jackson Browne. Brains and heart and beauty
Are there any current musical influences you might look to
Fleet Foxes has inspired me. The melodies are classic and beautiful and the harmonies are other worldly
And any genre of music that you simply can't stand
Death metal is a bit beyond me
Finally, plug the forthcoming album
I think this is the best record that Cat and I have made and I'm excited for people to hear it...