'Job Up!' Turing-Welchman Bombe finds the key to Enigma again
The reconstructed Turing-Welchman Bombe at The National Museum of Computing on Bletchley Park successfully found the key to break an Enigma-encrypted message in a live link-up with Poland last week...

More than 800 Bags of litter collected from Milton Keynes Parks in just one week
This equates to 817 bags of rubbish, with Willen Lake generating the most; 492.5 bags and 2.49 tonnes....

Whitespace Yoga & Wellbeing Studio Introduces Kids Mindfulness in Milton Keynes
Whitespace Yoga & Wellbeing Studio in Stony Stratford is helping kids stop the stream of stressful thoughts and regain power over their emotions...
'Have a heart for your local Hospice,' urge Milton Keynes Dons
Willen Hospice has teamed up with the MK Dons football team to appeal to local people to show them some love this October, as they prepare to take part in national Hospice Care Week...

The Parks Trust Announces 2018 Outstanding Junior Park Rangers in Milton Keynes
Great Linford Primary School wins outdoor environmental equipment to the value of £200, which will help them continue to explore both their school grounds and the beautiful parkland of MK...

Secret history of Bletchley Park’s ‘Captain Ridley’s Shooting Party’ revealed 80 years on
In spring 1938, the British Government received the first reports of Adolf Hitler’s plans to invade Czechoslovakia, and the ‘shooting party’ were deployed to Bletchley Park as the situation deteriorated...